Abusive Language/Profanity
The use of abusive language, profanity or obscene gestures will be grounds for disciplinary action. These actions include verbal and written incidents.
Activity Bus Procedures
The service provided is a courtesy service and is determined daily based on the number of students who sign up. Students are required to sign up online by 2:50pm. They are also required to have a valid HCRHS ID and a valid pass from a staff member indicating their reason for remaining after school. Not following these procedures may result in students being denied access to the bus.
Assault on District BOE Members/Employees
A person, purposely, knowingly or recklessly, causes or attempts to cause bodily injury to another. Action will be taken according to state law NJAC 6A: 16-5.7
Assault on a Student
A person, purposely, knowingly or recklessly, causes or attempts to cause bodily injury to another. Action will be taken according to state law and a ten day out-of-school suspension may be assigned.
Bias-Related Act
A bias-related act as defined in Policy 5600 will be treated as a Tier 4 infraction, and will result in a minimum of a 5-10 day suspension at the sole discretion of the District administration. A bias-related act may take the form of, but is not limited to, any disciplinary infraction described in this regulation. A “bias-related act” is an act directed at a person, group of persons, private property, or public property that is motivated in whole or part by racial, gender, disability, religion or sexual orientation, or ethnic prejudice. This includes the use of racial epithets or slurs, or any other derogatory language, and any and all forms thereof, understood to be referring to race, gender, disability, religion or sexual orientation, or ethnicity. All bias-related acts, confirmed or suspected, will be reported to law enforcement.
Bus Misconduct
Disruptive behavior on the bus may result in detention, suspension and/or removal from the bus. Misbehavior that results in the traffic disturbance and/or puts other drivers, passengers or pedestrians in jeopardy may involve contact with local law enforcement. It is not necessary to suspend a student from school to revoke the bus privilege. N.J.S.A.18A: 25-2 reads in part, “A pupil will be excluded from the bus for disciplinary reasons by the principal, and his parents shall provide for his transportation to and from school during the period of expulsion.”
Criminal Threats
A criminal act is considered the act of expressing, either physically or verbally, the intent to commit a violent criminal offense against another. It is made for the purpose of putting another in imminent fear under circumstances reasonably causing the victim to believe the immediacy of the threat and the likelihood that it will be carried out.
Cutting class
Being absent from class or failure to attend assigned discipline without authorization while being in attendance on the day of the absence. Extreme lateness to class or leaving class before dismissal without permission will also be classified as cutting.
Disruptive Behavior
This is defined as any behavior that impinges on the learning/school environment. Disruption may result in detention or suspension depending on the severity of the incident. Suspension will be invoked if a student continually causes disruption.
Explosive Devices
The use or possession of any explosive device is prohibited by law. The students may be suspended and/or expelled. Local law enforcement will be notified.
False Fire alarms
Knowingly setting off a fire alarm when no fire exists. Action will be taken according to NJ state law and will result in immediate suspension and possible expulsion.
False Public Alarms
A person is guilty if he/she threatens to commit any crime of violence with purpose to terrorize another or to cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or facility of public transportation, or otherwise to cause serious public inconvenience, or in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience.
Fighting is defined as the mutual engagement in a physical confrontation that may result in bodily injury to either party. Circumstances leading to the incident will be investigated.
Food Consumption
During instructional time, no food will be eaten outside the cafeteria without written permission from either the school nurse or an administrator.
Gambling is defined in the NJ Statutes, Title 18A as “staking or risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance.” A contest of chance is defined as “any contest, game, pool, gaming scheme, or gaming device in which the outcome depends in a material degree upon an element of chance.” All gambling is strictly prohibited on school property.
To maintain an environment of respect and safety for everyone, students must refrain from bothering or harassing other students. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome, and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial distress. It can include, but is not limited to, words or behaviors that threaten, intimidate, or demean a person. Police notification and/or school discipline will be determined based upon the nature and severity of the incident.
*Violation of this code of conduct infraction does not necessarily result in a violation of our harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) policy
Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
ID Violation
I.D. Cards
At the start of each school year, every student is issued a student ID. This ID should be in the student’s possession at all times while the student is on campus. If a student discovers he/she has left the ID at home, he/she should report to the nearest house office before school to obtain a temporary ID. Repeated failure to have an ID will result in disciplinary action. At any time, a staff member can ask a student to produce an ID and the student must comply. Refusal to do so will be considered insubordination and may result in suspension.
All students must have their Hunterdon Central issued ID when in the building or on school property. Students must have their issued ID in their possession when attending school-related activities. An ID is a school-issued item, which must be kept in the same condition in which it was issued and must be able to work in campus swipe machines. A student who does not have an ID must report to a house office and obtain a temporary ID.
An ID that is lost, won’t swipe or is defaced/ damaged must be replaced at the expense of the student. The replacement cost is $7.00. A student must report to a House office to obtain a temporary ID and order a new one. These violations may also include but are not limited to:
• having an ID that is not issued to you
• use/possession of an inactive ID
• allowing someone else to use your ID
Impeding Student Drug Testing
Any student who provides or attempts to provide a urine sample other than his or her own for testing, or any student who provides or attempts to provide a urine sample for another student for testing, or who performs any act to attempt to impede/tamper with, or which does impede/tamper with, the testing of himself or herself or any other student, shall be deemed to be in violation of the HCRHS Code of Conduct: Impeding Student Drug Testing, and shall be subject to all sanctions that are applicable to that violation.
Refusing to comply with a staff member’s instructions. Inappropriate behavior, such as delayed compliance toward a staff member’s instruction, is also considered insubordination. Given the nature and severity of the incident, the offense may result in detention or suspension. Refusal to identify oneself, showing an ID and/or fleeing from a staff member is considered insubordination. This offense may result in suspension.
Laser Pointers
Students are only permitted to use a laser pointer in a classroom setting with teacher supervision and approval. Use outside these parameters is prohibited and in some instances, subject to law enforcement notification and/or school discipline.
Loitering is defined as standing idly about, and/or proceeding slowly with many stops. Students may not loiter between classes. This includes areas such as lavatories, hallways and outside school buildings. Loitering will be treated as a disciplinary infraction subject to disciplinary action.
Off Limits
Students found to be on campus, but not in their assigned area are considered to be off limits. Examples of this include loitering between classes, not using the lavatory closest to their classroom, taking an intentionally detoured route to/from appointments, or stopping at the cafeteria without medical permission.
Any object not related to an educational activity thrown in the school building, on/from a school bus or on school grounds is prohibited. These include, but are not limited to: snowballs, coins, pencils, books, etc. Disciplinary action and/or police notification will result according to the severity of the infraction.
Public Display of Affection
Students should refrain from such activity while on school grounds or school bus or in attendance at school-related functions. Violations will result in disciplinary action. Consensual sexual contact is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. Sexual assault will be referred to local law enforcement.
Skateboards / Skates / Scooters
Students may use these devices traveling to and from school; however, the use of skateboards, skates and scooters is not permitted on school grounds at any time. Disciplinary action will result. During the school day, these items should be stored in the student’s locker or designated offices.
Substance Abuse
Confirmed use, possession, selling, purchasing, distribution or otherwise transferring illegal drugs or alcohol will be dealt with in accordance
with our Substance Abuse Policy and state law NJAC 6A: 16-5.7.
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Tardiness To School/Class
Tardies to class/school are cumulative and disciplinary action will be taken accordingly. Students may receive multiple tardies in a school day. Three tardies to a particular course is considered one absence in that course. Bell Schedules with beginning times for each block can be found
The taking of the school district’s or a person’s belongings without consent. Law enforcement will be notified as necessary.
The entry onto school property or into a school building without permission when the individual knows that he/she is not privileged to be on the property. (ex: suspension) Any individual found trespassing on school grounds will receive a letter of warning for the first offense. Any subsequent infractions will be turned over to local law enforcement for prosecution.
Absence from school grounds for all or part of the day without authorization from the school or prior authorization from the parent to the House Office. A student who arrives at school and then leaves school property is considered truant.
Vandalism-Destruction/Defacing School Property
An act that purposely, knowingly or recklessly destroys or defaces school, contracted or personal property causing economic loss due to repair or replacement. The student or his/her parents are required to pay for the damages.
Water Launchers
This is defined as any device fashioned to propel liquid. Possession and/or use of these devices will result in disciplinary action. Using these devices to propel substances other than water which could harm an individual will be subject to more severe disciplinary action such as suspension. The student or his/her parents are required to pay for any damages.
Weapons include any instrument readily capable of lethal use or of inflicting bodily injury but are not limited to: handguns, rifles, knives, clubs or other bludgeons, chains, sling shots, leather bands studded with metal filings, razor blades, stun guns, and any device that projects or releases a substance that is intended to produce temporary or permanent injury through being dispensed into the air.
Action for the use, possession, selling or transferring of a weapon, (including lookalikes) will be taken according to state law. A weapons violation may result in expulsion proceedings.
A request to bring a weapon or its facsimile to school to be utilized as part of a curricular program must be cleared with the vice-principal and security staff in advance. If clearance is granted, the student will make arrangements with school security for escort and supervision of the demonstration.