Student Handbook
Parents and students must review the entire student handbook annually and complete the consent form in Genesis. Please use menus below to navigate through the various sections.
- Academic Procedures
- Affirmative Action
- Athletics and Activities Eligibility
- Attendance and Absences
- Busing
- Code of Conduct and Discipline
- Counseling
- Daily Procedures
- Electronic Devices
- Fees, Fines & Obligations
- Fundraising and Solicitation
- Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
- Lockers
- Parking
- Random Drug Testing
- Security
- Special Education
- Student Government
- Student Assistance Program
- Student Records
Academic Procedures
Click here to view Academic Procedures webpage to view important information related to academic conduct; course changes; grading scale, GPA and class rank; graduation requirements; remediation courses; home instruction; transfer or withdrawal from school; family life education; student assistants and peer mentors; Option II; and student records.
Affirmative Action
The Hunterdon Central Regional High School District shall provide equal and bias-free access for all pupils to all school facilities, courses, programs, activities, and services, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status.
Click on the link for: Affirmative Action Contact Information
Athletics and Activities Eligibility
We highly recommend that students get involved in athletics or student activities. Please visit our Athletics website and Student Activities website to see what is currently offered. Other pertinent information is posted below.
Eligibility Requirements for Athletic Competition or Activities:
The Board of Education recognizes that the primary responsibility of the school system is to educate all students to the maximum levels possible. Although the academic program has first priority, student activities are an important part of the total learning experience. The Board of Education, therefore, has an obligation to provide an opportunity for students to participate in a full range of activities, while ensuring that the student's academic progress is sufficient to support this participation.
We reserve the right to remove students from athletic participation or from participation in student activities for conduct unbecoming of a HC student as defined by the HC Code of Conduct. Student spectators are also expected to adhere to the NJSIAA Spectator Code of Conduct. Any student found to be involved in hazing activities will be immediately and permanently removed from the team. As needed, disciplinary action will be taken including, but not limited to, an anti-bullying investigation.
Any student who wishes to compete in interscholastic sports must meet the minimum credit requirements established by the New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) and the HCRHS Board of Education. Eligibility for activities will be determined on a semester-by-semester basis. All incoming freshmen are automatically eligible to participate in athletics.
- To be eligible for athletic competition and/or activities during the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year, students in grades 10-12 must have passed a minimum of 30 credits during the 2023-2024 school year. First semester freshmen are automatically eligible.
- To be eligible for athletic competition and/or club activities during the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year, students in grades 9-12 must have passing grades in 15 credits at the end of the first semester. To determine this eligibility, courses with a credit value of five (5) and which span two quarters, will be prorated to 2.5 credits. A grade of WP or WF and/or a medical exemption from physical education may affect eligibility.
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA):
Students who want to participate in inter-collegiate athletics must consult their counselor regarding the high school courses that will meet the eligibility standards established by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
It is recommended that student athletes make their counselors aware of their intention to participate in inter-collegiate athletics as soon as they enter high school. Making the counselor aware of their intention better ensures that eligibility criteria will be met. Most, but not all, collegiate athletic programs are regulated by the NCAA rules on eligibility, recruiting, and financial aid.
The NCAA has three member divisions: Division I, Division II, and Division III. Institutions are members of one of these divisions based on the size and scope of their athletic program and whether or not they provide athletic scholarships. A listing of all NCAA member institutions and their divisions is available in the College/Career Center.
Any student-athlete planning to participate in Division I or Division II athletics, regardless of financial aid status, must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center Online by the end of his/her junior year of high school. Please note new core requirements & seven semester rules. Eligibility Center Code is 9999 for all test scores SAT, ACT.
Forms to register for the NCAA Eligibility Center can be found online at and additional information regarding collegiate athletic eligibility are available in the Counseling Services Office.
Attendance and Absences
Attendance Policy:
Please visit our Attendance website to learn about our attendance policy, absence limits, tardiness, cutting/truancy, and early dismissals from school. The House Offices handle attendance and you can contact them with any questions.
Click here for bell schedules.
Early Out/Late in Option for Seniors:
Seniors who have an originally scheduled block 1 or block 4 study hall would be permitted to request approval to sign in at the end of block 1 or sign out at the end of block 3. Classes will not be adjusted or changed to accommodate students’ preference for this option.
For late arrival, students must report to the Commons Entrance between 8:50 AM and 9:00 AM daily for attendance and to check for passes. Any student who accrues more than 3 unexcused tardies to B2 will forfeit his/her late arrival and be scheduled for a B1 study hall.
To be eligible for "Early Out/Late Arrival", 12th grade students:
- must make an appointment with their school counselor and secure appropriate approval paperwork, which is sent via school email
- must have earned a minimum of 100 credits by the end of the 11th grade
- must be enrolled in courses approved by their counselor that ensure eligibility for graduation
- must be scheduled for at least 30 credits
- will be subject to guidelines pertaining to student-athlete eligibility for the sports seasons
- will be responsible for their own transportation to and from school
- will not be guaranteed student parking privileges
- must obtain written permission from parent/guardian
- must sign in at the senior house office if they wish to remain in school during their early dismissal periods.
Bus Routes:
AM/PM Bus Routes are posted in parent and student portals of Genesis.
Activity Late Bus:
Hunterdon Central provides a late bus at 3:40 PM on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Instructions on how to sign up for the late bus on available on our Transportation webpage.
Bus Regulations:
In order that students' lives are not placed in jeopardy, an atmosphere of safety must be constantly maintained on school buses. For this reason, the following regulations are in effect on all school buses operated in the Hunterdon Central Regional High School District.
- Drivers will give each student an assigned seat on the bus. Students will be held responsible for any damage.
- Students are asked not to sit in the rear seats unless no other seats are available. (This improves rear visibility, helps discipline, and avoids injury in the event of a rear-end collision.)
- Once a student has boarded the bus, he/she must take a seat and remain in the seat.
- No food of any kind may be eaten on the bus; this includes chewing gum.
- All students are expected to be at their designated bus stop five minutes early. In case of a breakdown, a second bus will be sent. WAIT.
- Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner while waiting for a bus and to stay off the roadway at their pickup location.
- Students will be picked up and dropped off only at designated bus stops.
- Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before attempting to enter or leave it.
- Keep hands and heads inside the bus at all times.
- Refrain from loud talking and other behavior which may interfere with the proper performance of duty by the driver.
- Report promptly to the driver any damage to a bus.
- Students should assist in keeping the bus sanitary.
- Students should consider it their duty to behave as politely on a school bus as they would at home in the presence of guests.
- All buses unload as they arrive at the high school. Students are to report to a supervised area. Any student leaving campus at this time will be considered truant.
- Students wishing to ride an alternate bus must submit a written request from parents to the respective house office at least 24 hours in advance of planned trip. Written request should include date of change. Written requests for a daily or weekly scheduled alternate drop off will be valid for one quarter, and must be re-approved by the student's vice principal at the start of each quarter. When riding another student's bus, the sending and receiving parents must submit notes indicating approval.
- Students wishing to take an alternate bus to a job location must submit a written request from parents and employer giving permission and work schedule to the respective House Office.
Students who will not abide by the above regulations will be subject to disciplinary action and bus privileges may be denied. It is your safety we are concerned about; therefore, we will do all we can to ensure it, and you must do all you can. Student transportation is supported by state and local taxes. Students who cause damage to the school buses contribute to the cost of transportation and the amount of taxes needed to support the transportation system.
Code of Conduct and Discipline
Click here to view our Code of Conduct and Discipline webpage to learn more about the Code of Conduct, discipline levels, affirmative action, dress code, detention and suspension procedures, and infraction clarifications.
Counseling Services:
HCRHS Counseling Services supports the academic component of the high school through a series of both planned and informal activities designed to assist students to understand themselves better, to cope with the normal problems associated with growing up; and to become contributing citizens. The goal of the Counseling Services process is to meet the individual needs of each student and to help students achieve a productive high school experience. Counseling Services are designed to help students with their educational, vocational, and social development.
Counselor Meeting Requests:
Students may make an appointment with their counselors by completing an appointment request form available in all counseling services areas. Students are encouraged to contact their counselor to discuss academic progress, post high school planning, personal/social issues, or any other problems or concerns they may have.
College and Career Center:
The College & Career Center provides hands-on guidance and counseling, with a focus on college planning, the college admissions process and career exploration. The center is also used to host college visits, presentations, individual parent and student meetings, as well as assistance with essay review and resume writing. Students can work with Naviance, a software program offering a wide range of college search tools, career assessments and admissions data based on Hunterdon Central alumni.
To schedule an appointment with the College & Career Counselor, please email Jennifer Nuechterlein at: or call (908) 284-7146.
Home Instruction:
As per NJ Administrative Code 6A:14-4.8 and 6A:16-10.1, out-of-school home instruction is available when a student is absent from Hunterdon Central Regional High School 10 or more consecutive days or 20 cumulative days due to illness, injury, or enrollment in a rehabilitation program. Eligibility is determined by the school physician. A total of 10 hours of home instruction per week, or 2 hours per full day of absence is provided. Students may be approved for up to 30 days. Extensions may be considered upon submission of documentation. Students will be referred to the Child Study Team when home instruction exceeds 30 calendar days for classified students and 60 days for non-classified students.
Home Instruction Grading:
- Students on home instruction for less than 45 days will receive a grade from the classroom teacher.
- Students on home instruction for 45 days or more will receive a Pass-Fail grade from the teacher of record.
- Pass-Fail grades received on home instruction are not calculated in a student’s grade point average (GPA) at the high school level.
School Based Youth Services:
The School-Based Youth Services Program provides a comprehensive set of services to students including counseling, recreational and drop-in programs, employment and career counseling, and referral and linkages to community services on an appointment-only basis. Students may request an appointment, and services are confidential. However, after the initial contact, a signed consent form from a parent is needed if services are to be ongoing. If there are problems in school, School-Based staff will work with students and school personnel to help resolve these problems.
The School-Based Program’s offices are located in the 600's building counseling services areas. Students must call 908-284-7117 to set up an appointment. Since the program is administered out of the Hunterdon Medical Center, it is available year-round and operates when school is closed. If a student wishes to be seen at the Hunterdon Medical Center, he or she may contact a counselor by calling 908-788-6401.
Daily Procedures
Bell Schedules:
Please visit our Bell Schedules webpage to view the various bell schedules that are needed during the school year.
Student ID Cards:
All students must have their Hunterdon Central issued ID when in the building or on school property. Students must have their issued ID in their possession when attending school-related activities. An ID is a school-issued item, which must be kept in the same condition in which it was issued and must be able to work in campus swipe machines. A student who does not have an ID must report to a house office and obtain a temporary ID.
An ID that is lost, won’t swipe or is defaced/ damaged must be replaced at the expense of the student. The replacement cost is $7.00. A student must report to a House office to obtain a temporary ID and order a new one. These violations may also include but are not limited to:
- • having an ID that is not issued to you
- • use/possession of an inactive ID
- • allowing someone else to use your ID
Procedures to Visit House Office, Health Office, Counseling, etc.:
Electronic Devices
Parents/Guardians needing to contact a student in an emergency situation should handle the communication through the student's House Office secretary. Please be advised that unless your child's phone is off completely, communicating with your child while your child is in class may result in an electronic device violation. Unauthorized use of electronic communication devices is prohibited during instructional/class time or during detention. A violation that occurs during any testing period may also result in an academic integrity violation. At all times and for safety purposes, one ear must be free of any listening device. The device should not be near the earlobe. Electronic devices may be used during the times listed below and should only be used in a responsible manner:
- Before/After School
- During block changes
- During Lunch
Study Hall - as per teacher guidelines
Field Trip with staff member’s approval
IMC Usage:
Before/after school or during lunch, two-way communication devices may be on vibrate and may be used for silent activities such as texting. Phone calls, during the allowable times, are only permitted in the IMC’s designated cell phone zone.
The consequences for infractions of this policy are as follows:
1st Offense: Administrative Warning notice
2nd Offense: 1 - 3 After School Detentions
3rd Offense: 1 - 3 Extended Detentions
4th Offense: Chronic Offender consequence
The use of beepers/pagers is still against the NJ Criminal Code. According to the code, students may not use or be in possession of a beeper/pager at school. Rescue Squad or Fire Department student volunteers are not permitted to respond to off-campus emergencies during the school day. Therefore, related equipment should be turned off during the school day.
Students may not capture audio, photo, or video without explicit permission from school staff. Additionally, students are not allowed to share or post audio, photo or video without explicit permission from school staff. Cell phones and audio/video recording devices can ONLY be used with specific permission of a staff member or student. The use of this equipment must not violate anyone's right to privacy. Police notification and/or school discipline will be determined based upon the nature and severity of the incident. Sharing and/or posting of said images/audio/video will be considered a violation of the HCRHS Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Policy.
Fees, Fines & Obligations
- Textbooks to the Supervisors office by room 808.
- Athletic items to the appropriate coach
- Library materials to the IMC circulation desk
Students with outstanding obligations can not:
- • Participate in school activities (including but not limited to the Junior Prom and Senior Ball)
- • Participate in any graduation activities.
- • Participate in the sports banquet.
- • Apply for parking privileges (or may lose parking privileges.)
- • Participate in extra-curricular activities (including clubs, athletics, fine arts performances and trips). This consequence applies only if a name appears on the obligations list prior to the beginning of the activity.
Fundraising and Solicitation
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Click here for more information about Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying policy and our Anti-Bullying staff members.
The Board of Education reserves the right to authorize its designated employees to conduct routine inspections of student lockers, also to include canine inspection, without specific notice as to when particular lockers will be inspected.
Parking on campus is a privilege reserved for seniors. Board-approved juniors in line for early graduation can also apply. If the junior does not graduate early, however, they will not be eligible for a second year of the privilege. Students are to adhere to the Student Use of Vehicles Regulation 5514
Application/Distribution Process:
- Applications must be completed through Aspen within the guidelines established by the school administration including a Random Student Drug Testing consent form. A photocopy of the following documents should be attached at time of decal pick-up: valid NJ driver’s license and motor vehicle registration for the vehicle that is registered with the school. As part of the application process, students and parents are required to attend a driving safety presentation.
- With limited availability, students are issued parking spaces based on a lottery process.
- A non-refundable $75 fee will be assessed for year-long parking. Students who have this privilege revoked are not entitled to a refund
Parking on Campus:
- All vehicles parked in the student parking areas must have an authorized student decal affixed to the driver’s side rear windshield. Students are only authorized to use pre-registered student-decaled vehicles. Any temporary change of vehicle must be reported to the senior class Vice-Principal.
- Students may drive only pre-registered vehicles to school and must park head-on in their assigned space.
- Students may park in faculty spaces after 2:50pm. At all times, students are prohibited from parking in reserved and handicapped spaces.
- Students with early out must leave campus or sign in with the senior office. You may return to campus for extracurricular, co-curricular activities, and other related activities at 2:13pm.
- The Board of Education reserves the right to authorize its designated employees to conduct inspections of student vehicles when reasonable suspicion exists that an item(s), unlawful in nature, may be concealed within the vehicle. Searches may include canine inspection.
Driving Infractions:
- Decals are not transferable from student to student and/or vehicle to vehicle. This will result in permanent loss of privilege.
- Movement of vehicles and going to your vehicle during the school day (7:35 - 2:03 PM) without appropriate approval, and travel through driveways restricted to authorized school vehicles will result in loss of privilege.
- Students who are suspended out-of-school will lose their parking privileges.
- Students who are truant from school will lose their parking privileges.
- Careless and reckless driving, as determined by the administration, will result in revocation of parking privileges.
- If a space is not used, or if a student’s name appears on the school-wide obligations list for two weeks (10 consecutive school days) the sticker may be revoked unless illness or special circumstances can be confirmed.
- Students in violation of the Substance Abuse Policy are not eligible for parking privileges.
- Illegal parking will result in extended detention, ticketing and/or possible towing of vehicle.
- Tardy to Class- This count is cumulative throughout the school year:
- Six (6) lates to block 1 = loss of parking for one week.
- Eight (8)lates to block 1= additional 2 week loss of privilege
- Ten (10) lates to block 1 = permanent suspension of privilege
Raritan Township Parking Ordinance, No. 81-23
An ordinance of the Township of Raritan, County of Hunterdon, and State of New Jersey entitled “Traffic Regulation and Parking Regulation on Lands and Grounds of Hunterdon Central Regional High School.” Be it ordained, by the Township Committee of the Township of Raritan, as follows:
- No person shall park a vehicle at any time along any roadway (outlined in red) indicated on the site plan. The attached site plan is hereby made part of the Ordinance.
- All vehicles must park within the painted white lines on the roadway in the parking areas.
- All vehicles must park in designated areas. Vehicles permitted to park shall be properly identified.
- There shall be no parking in any other area not specifically marked for parking. “No Parking Anytime” signs shall be installed in all prohibited areas.
- The roadways and driveways shall be designated one-way in the direction shown on the attached site plan which is hereby made part of this Ordinance.
- The reserved parking spaces for persons who have been issued special vehicle identification cards are indicated on the attached site plan and no other person shall be permitted to park.
- The school bus loading zone shall be established in parking Lot E as indicated on the attached site plan.
- The intersection of the southerly most driveways of parking lot F and parking lot G is designated as a yield intersection. A yield sign shall be installed from the exit of parking lot F to Parking lot G which is shown on the attached site plan.
- Each parking area must be first identified as parking Area A, B, C, etc. by signs and so included on the site plan.
- No person shall park a vehicle between the hours of 12:00 am (midnight) and 6:00 am.
- Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this Ordinance shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic and any police officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay the reasonable costs of the removal and storage which may result from such removal, before regaining possession of the vehicle.
- Unless another penalty is expressly provided by New Jersey Statute, every person convicted of a violation or provision of this Ordinance or any supplement thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) or imprisonment for a term not exceeding I5 days or both.
Random Drug Testing
Random Drug Testing - Procedures for student drug testing:
Please click to view: HCRHS Random Student Drug Testing Policy 5131.
Please click to view: HCRHS Random Student Drug Testing Regulations 5131.
Emergency Procedures:
Fire Drills/Evacuations:
When the fire alarm sounds, all class activities should cease immediately. Teachers must accompany their classes out of the building to designated areas. Students are to:
- leave in a quiet, orderly manner
- accompany their teacher to the designated area
- remain with their class for the remainder of the drill
Students who fail to adhere to the fire drill procedure may be subject to disciplinary action.
Security Protocols:
Hunterdon Central Regional High School follows the Standard Response Protocol along with other schools in the county. The following are included in the protocol:
A Lockdown will be called in the event that there is imminent danger on campus. Seek immediate cover, remain quiet and comply with safety directives given by those in authority.
A Secure condition will be announced when an emergency occurs in close proximity to our campus or outside of one of our buildings. It is a precautionary form of alert. Students and staff should remain in the building they are in and refrain from moving about the campus until clearance is given. They can move about the interior of the building during Secure protocol, but cannot go outside.
A Hold condition will be announced if there is an emergency in the hallways that requires a response that could be impeded by the presences of staff and/or students. Staff and students should remain in their classrooms until the emergency condition is cleared. Movement in the hallways is prohibited during this condition.
A Shelter condition will be called in response to an environmental emergency such as a tornado.
Evacuate is called when there is a need to move people from one location to another for safety reasons, either to another area inside the building or to another area outside the building.
Visitor Policy:
The only visitors permitted in the school are those persons who have specific business that is prearranged with a staff member. Students anticipating enrolling at Central are encouraged to contact our Counseling Services department to have a school sponsored tour. No other student visitors are permitted.
Special Education
Please refer to our Special Education website for the most updated information on the department.
Special education services are provided for those students who are determined eligible for classification under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Services include, but are not limited to, self-contained classes, resource center classes, in-class support, and in-class assistance provided by paraprofessionals. Specialized programs are available for students who require a more therapeutic environment, as well as for students with multiple disabilities. Appropriate programs and services are reviewed annually in the IEP meeting facilitated by a Child Study Team Case Manager. The Child Study Team (CST) staff includes: school psychologists, social workers, and learning disability teacher consultants. CST services are available for evaluative purposes to determine if students are eligible for special education and related services through a referral process. All requests for an CST evaluation must be accompanied by a signature. Email requests without a signature will not be accepted.
Special Education Referrals:
When interventions in general education have been attempted and documented, interventions do not alleviate educational difficulties, and it is believed the student may be disabled and in need of special education and/or related services., please follow this Referral Process:
School-based referrals: All school-based referrals shall originate with the school student intervention team.
Parental referrals: (must be in writing, include a parent signature - email not accepted) will not originate with the student intervention team; however, the school guidance department will complete the appropriate district referral packet prior to the timeline stated in the New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 6A, Chapter 14, Special Education
District referrals: The Principal or designee shall provide documentation to the CST of the need for district referral (Only to be utilized in a unique, urgent or crisis situation)
Student Government
Student government at Hunterdon Central is the students’ voice in the affairs of the school. All students are strongly encouraged to participate in Student Council activities. Active participation in this form of self-government is the duty of each student who believes that decisions affecting students must be made jointly by the Student Council, the teachers and the administration. It is comprised of two parts: Student Council and the Class Council. The roles and descriptions of the student government branches are explained in the student government constitution. Candidates for student and class council officers need to be members of the respective organizations. We reserve the right to remove students from participation for conduct unbecoming of a HC student as defined by the HC Code of Conduct. Even if you do not become a member in the student government, you retain the right to have your opinions heard. All meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend. With your cooperation, we can benefit from a strong student government at Hunterdon Central.
Student Assistance Program
The Student Assistance Program addresses concerns about addictions. Prevention programs, early identification of high risk students, and intervention services are means of addressing alcohol and drug use as well as other addictions and their related behaviors. The counselors provide confidential counseling and help students and their families find appropriate rehabilitation and treatment facilities when required. Referrals can be made by the students themselves, staff, parents or other concerned individuals and should be directed to one of the student assistance counselors.
Student Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. These rights are:
The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the School receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the Principal or counseling services secretary a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. An HCRHS school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate. Parents or eligible students may ask HCRHS to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the Principal or Supervisor of Counseling Services, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If HCRHS decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, HCRHS will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the School has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, HCRHS will disclose education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by HCRHS to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The Office that administers FERPA requirements is the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC, 20202-5901. Upon graduation or permanent departure of pupil from the district, the parent or adult pupil is hereby notified that a copy of the entire record is available upon request. Once information is no longer necessary to provide educational services to the pupil, that information will be destroyed, unless a request is received by July 15th of the year of departure. A permanent transcript and attendance record will be kept in perpetuity.