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SAT Prep Course

Want help preparing for the SAT?
Hunterdon Central Regional High School offers an SAT prep course!

The Hunterdon Central SAT Prep course is specially designed to help students begin to prepare for their target test date. The College Board recommends that juniors take the test once during their junior year and once during the Fall semester of their senior year. Students may take the test a third time, and scores may be super scored.

UPDATE - FALL COURSE IS NOW FULL! There will be a spring prep course from January to April 2025. Registration for spring course will be posted in late November.

Hunterdon Central’s Fall SAT Prep course, beginning on September 7th, is offered to juniors and seniors, on a first come, first served basis as the class is limited to 25 students.

The prep course is offered on the HCRHS campus and is instructed by HCRHS teachers for students who would like a structured preparation program in a familiar environment with tools and materials unique to Hunterdon Central. The course consists of 11 instructional classes (eight Saturday 3-hour classes 9:00a.m.-noon, three Wednesday 2-hour classes 3:00-5:00p.m.) plus two additional Saturdays for pre- and post-testing (9:00a.m. - Noon). Click here for full schedule. Cost for the full course is $350.

Instructors for both the English and Math sections will use the College Board Official SAT Study Guide to prepare students for the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math test sections of the SATs. Instructors will also help students prepare for the digital format as the SAT test is now taken completely online.

English SAT Prep also includes 1) analysis of diagnostic performances to build the students' understanding of which areas need improvement, 2) direct instruction on and application of specific skills and content, and 3) practice on test-taking strategies as well as the SAT's content domains: Information & Ideas, Expression of Ideas, Craft & Structure, and Standard English Conventions.

Math SAT Prep also includes identifying specific strengths and weaknesses and using targeted practice sets to improve outcomes in the following areas: (1) Numbers and Operations, (2) Algebra and Functions, (3) Geometry and Measurements, and (4) Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability.

Improving overall test scores is conditional on the following factors:
1. Attendance and participation in planned classroom activities
2. Completion of individual assignments and review practice
3. Investment of personal study time and preparation work outside of the required course times

To sign up for SAT Prep course, please complete this registration form.  (Students taking the HCRHS SAT Prep course as part of their class schedule should not be enrolling in this SAT prep class.) 
Send form along with a check for the full course amount, made payable to Hunterdon Central High School, to the address below:

Mrs. Jacqueline Sullivan, SAT Prep Coordinator
Hunterdon Central Regional High School
84 Route 31
Flemington, NJ 08822


Please note: Attendance is contingent upon payment and confirmed enrollment in the course. Classes may be canceled due to lack of sufficient enrollment.

IMPORTANT: Parents/Guardians and Students are responsible for registering for the SAT Exam through