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Counseling Services

Welcome to our counseling services website! Please refer to the links in the left side menu to explore all the services the Hunterdon Central counseling office offers.

The mission of Hunterdon Central’s Counseling Services Department is to assist all students in academic development, personal/social development, and career development. The department is made up of counselors who are specialists in a number of different areas, in order to best serve the needs of all of our students.

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Grade Level Counselors

Hunterdon Central operates in a “House System”, which means the same group of counselors, Vice Principal, and House Secretary meet students when they arrive at the high school and continue to serve them throughout their years at Central.
Students usually have the same grade level counselor for all four years, and this counselor guides them through their high school experience, specifically advising them on academic curriculum and course selection, and assisting in overall development. Click to find contact information for our Grade Level Counselors.

College & Career Counselor

Hunterdon Central's College & Career Counselor is a specialist in the area of college admissions area and works with grade level counselors to provide an expert, professional approach to the college research, selection, and admissions process. Click to find informaon and resources on our College & Career Webpage.

Student Assistance Counselors

Student Assistance Counselors (SACs) provide support and confidential counseling for students and families when social, emotional, or mental health issues affect a student's school experience, including those related to alcohol and drugs, depression, anxiety, family and friend issues, and other stressors. SACs can help students and families find appropriate community resources, such as rehabilitation and treatment facilities, when required.
A Student Assistance Counselor is assigned to each grade level at Hunterdon Central. Click for contact information and more details about the Student Assistance Counselors.

School Based Youth Services

The School Based Youth Services Program is funded by the Office for School-Linked Services (OSLS) and is managed by Hunterdon Behavioral Health. The School-Based Program’s offices are located in the grade-level counseling services areas.
The program provides a comprehensive set of services to students including counseling for issues such as anxiety, depression, self-image, and stress, recreational and drop-in programs, and referral and linkages to community services on an appointment-only basis. For more information about the program, or to schedule an appointment for a student please visit our School Based Services Webpage.