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HCRHS Directory Search

Staff Directory

1 2 3 26 > showing 1 - 16 of 401 constituents

Christina Aboosamara

Teacher - World Languages
World Languages
School: x8105

David Ahart

Custodian - 2nd Shift
Building and Grounds

Cristina Alvarado

Teacher - World Languages
World Languages, MultiLingual Program
School: x8122

Jennifer Amato

School Nurse, Class of 2027
Health Services

Maria Amorim

Teacher - World Languages
World Languages
School: x8202

Randall Andreola

Custodian - 1rst Shift
Building and Grounds

Aren Apffel

Teacher - Social Studies
Social Studies
School: x8349

Kelly Apffel

Teacher - Social Studies
Social Studies
School: x8340

Ethen Aquino

Teacher - Social Studies
Social Studies
School: x8104

Raymond Aron

Teacher - World Languages
World Languages
School: x8211

Laura Arredondo

Administration, World Languages, MultiLingual Program
School: x7189

John Augusta

Teacher - Health PE
Health and Physical Education
School: x8532

Andrew Avallone

Teacher - Design and Technology
Technology Engineering and Design
School: x8107

Michael Aversano

Aide - Special Education, Coach
Special Education
School: x9710

Tracey Axmann

Teacher - World Languages
World Languages, MultiLingual Program
School: x9781

Nicholas Badolato

Paraprofessional - Asprire
Special Education
1 2 3 26 > showing 1 - 16 of 401 constituents