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Social Studies Department

Department Description

Development of a reflective and active citizenry is the primary aim of social studies education.

To achieve this aim, the Hunterdon Central Social Studies Department emphasizes four interrelated areas of study: knowledge, skills, values/attitudes, and social participation. Knowledge is drawn from a wide range of the humanities and social sciences, and is coordinated with emerging national trends and state requirements.

Skills are taught developmentally, with significant emphasis on research, critical thinking and geography skills. Attitudes and values deemed crucial to the understanding of a democratic society and diverse world cultures are examined with emphasis on the reflective study of value conflict throughout the required program. Social participation behaviors are infused throughout the required and elective programs, to assist in the training of students for lifelong active citizenship upon their entrance into adulthood.

The Social Studies faculty is committed to the ongoing revision of the curricular, instructional, and evaluative components of its program, and welcomes community input.

Department Curriculum

Click here to access the curriculum documents.

Program of Studies-Social Studies

Hunterdon Central offers multiple pathways for students to satisfy the 15 credit graduation requirement in Social Studies. Students are required to take 10 credits in United States History and 5 credits in World History. The core program courses satisfy graduation requirements, but may not satisfy certain admission requirements for some colleges.

Click to view Mrs. Lucas describing courses in the Social Studies Department:

Social Studies Course Descriptions


Rebecca Lucas
(908) 284-7147

Department Faculty