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Math Resources

The Math Department at Hunterdon Central has compiled a number of online resources to assist our students in reviewing math information and finding additional resources for instruction. We urge you to explore the following options. Talk to teachers about the type of resource/assistance you feel is needed, and please let us know if you're aware of a resource that you think would be beneficial to our students.

Math Lab:

During each block of the school day, a math teacher is on duty in the Academic Support section of the IMC, to assist any student who may need help with math. If a student in a study hall needs extra assistance, he/she should ask the study hall proctor for a pass to the IMC Math Lab.

Mathematics Pre-Course Skill Review:

Just as a musician or athlete would not show up to the first practice of the year without "warming up" with a review of previous songs or drills, it may be wise for math students to hone in on some of the skills mastered in previous math classes, before showing up for the first day of math class.

Please click to access: Pre-Course Skill Review & Practice for math courses.

Peer Tutoring:

Many students take advantage of the skills of their peers who are in Mu Alpha Theta, the Math Honor Society. Any student may request a peer tutor by emailing their name, math course, and contact information to:

Statistics Helpdesk:

Our AP Statistics teachers and students serve as consultants for any students in need of some help with statistics. Many times, students would like to incorporate statistics as part of their projects, papers or assignments. Any student may request help from the Statistics Helpdesk by emailing their name, course, and their questions to: