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Mathematics Department

Department Description

Twenty-first century education has focused increased attention on the importance of mathematics. Hunterdon Central's mathematics curriculum is based on research and the needs of an increasingly technological society. To meet the district's high standards, the department constantly investigates, evaluates, and incorporates the textbooks, equipment, and materials judged to be the most effective for student learning.

Mathematics courses at Hunterdon Central stress the themes of problem-solving, communication, reasoning, and mathematical connections, in the belief that the student who has a firm foundation in mathematics will be better prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Department Curriculum

Click here to access the curriculum documents.

Graduation Requirement

At least 15 credits in Mathematics are required to graduate from HCRHS, including Algebra I, Geometry, and a third year of math that builds upon these two courses.

Program of Studies-Mathematics

The Mathematics department is proud to offer a wide range of learning experiences through courses that align with the charge that all students can and should develop the mathematical practices needed to best prepare for post-secondary schools or trades. The rigor of a student's academic schedule, the content understanding and skills attained, and the student's course performance are all key aspects considered by college admissions officers. Program level sequencing need not be constant; students may move between levels, based on student performance and department recommendation. Prerequisite requirements for all courses are listed in the course descriptions. Certain Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 courses require that students take the associated New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA).

Please read course descriptions carefully, to ensure that all prerequisite courses have been taken before selecting a course. We encourage students to challenge themselves in their course selection, finding a “best fit” course level that matches their passion and enthusiasm for mathematics, meets specific educational needs, and recognizes math as a growth subject that takes time and effort to learn. If you are considering a change in program level, please speak to your current teacher and counselor.

Students are encouraged to own a graphing calculator. The district recommends the use of TI-84, TI-84+, or silver editions.

There are three different curricular levels in the mathematics program:

  • College Preparatory Level
  • STEM Level
  • Honors/Advanced Placement Level

The following information will clarify the reasons for each level:

  • The College Preparatory (CP) Level is designed to facilitate the mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), as well as content beyond the NJSLS at a level of rigor appropriate for students planning on attending four-year college programs, but not in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
  • The STEM Level is designed to facilitate the mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, as well as content beyond the NJSLS, at a level of rigor appropriate for students planning to pursue careers in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
  • The Honors/Advanced Placement Level is designed to facilitate the mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, as well as content beyond, at the most rigorous level for students planning on taking Advanced Placement math courses, including AP Calculus and/or AP Statistics.

Click to view a video of Mr. Cole describing courses in the Mathematics Department:

Mathematics Course Descriptions

Suggested course sequencing for Math. Students can change levels based on their performance as mentioned in the introduction above.


Robert Cole
(908) 284-7190

Department Faculty

Math Resources

The Hunterdon Central Mathematics Department has a list of resources that review and refresh math skills needed for every level of math at the high school.

Click here to view these resources.