Gifted & Talented Programs and Complaint Process
The Hunterdon Central Regional High School District Board of Education recognizes its responsibility for the provision of educational opportunities for pupils with exceptional abilities. To that end, the Board directs that each such pupil be identified and offered an appropriate educational program and services. Policy 2464 outlines an overview of the policies and procedures used to identify gifted and talented students and the continuum of services offered.
Hunterdon Central offers four-year programs for gifted and talented students in Art and Mathematics. The district has an ongoing identification process for gifted and talented students that includes multiple measures in order to identify student strengths in the areas of Art and/or Mathematics; these include measures such as course grades, standardized test scores, teacher recommendations, successful completion of prerequisite courses, admissions assessment, and portfolio submission. Students are identified as early as Spring of their 8th grade year and have access to be admitted to gifted programs each year throughout their time in high school.
Gifted and talented courses are offered during the school year, as well as in the summer (acceleration and enrichment opportunities). Gifted and talented students also engage in academic competitions and exhibitions, when such opportunities are available. Individual students may also elect to continue their gifted and talented education through capstone experiences such as service learning, structured learning experiences, advanced online coursework, or college coursework. Instructional staff of gifted and talented students utilize varying instructional practices and tools that help students acquire and demonstrate mastery of the required knowledge and skills specified by the NJ Student Learning Standards at the instructional level of the student, not just the student's grade level. Programs for the gifted and talented are periodically evaluated for their continuing efficacy and adjusted accordingly.
To file a complaint for noncompliance, please submit your complaint in writing to the Hunterdon Central Regional High School District Board of Education. Complaints should be sent to Dr. Matthew Hall, Director of Curriculum and Instruction: