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Business Education Department

Department Description

The Business & Computer Education Department offers a curriculum designed to provide students with skills that will be utilized at Hunterdon Central and in future academic endeavors, and a foundation of everyday living skills that will help make them successful, functioning members of society. The department offers a curriculum that features:

  • Computer applications skills and techniques that meet the State of New Jersey computer and information literacy core content standards.
  • The use of problem-solving skills and state-of-the-art technology that will greatly assist them in making the transition from school to work and/or post-secondary education.

The department faculty is committed to revising and enhancing course offerings to meet the latest technological demands and skills for the business world of today ... and tomorrow.

Department Curriculum

Click here to access the curriculum documents.

Program of Studies-Business Education

The Business Education Department is proud to offer a wide range of learning experiences through courses that align with the charge that all students can and should develop the skills and practices needed to best prepare for post-secondary schools or careers. All courses offered, with the exception of Personal Finance, may be used to satisfy the 21st Century Life and Careers or Career Technical Education graduation requirements. Please note: Prerequisite requirements for all courses are listed in the course descriptions. Please read these carefully to ensure that all prerequisite courses have been taken before selecting a course.

Click to view a video of Dr. Twisler describing courses in the Business Education Department:

Business Education Course Descriptions


Dan Twisler, Ed. D.
(908) 284-7157

Department Faculty