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Broadcast Technologies Department

Department Description

Broadcast Technologies courses at Hunterdon Central are designed to give students a broad background in both the theoretical and practical aspects of radio and television broadcasting and technology. The radio and television courses offered are also intended to provide manipulative and mental skills, accurate work habits, and an economic understanding required for a career in the broadcast industry.

Department Curriculum

Click here to access the curriculum documents.

Program of Studies-Broadcast Technologies

These courses may be used to satisfy the 21st Century Life and Careers or Career Technical Education graduation requirements. Please note: Prerequisite requirements for all courses are listed in the course descriptions. Please read these carefully to ensure that all prerequisite courses have been taken before selecting a course.

Click to view Mrs. Armellino (former Supervisor) describing courses in the Broadcast Technology Department:

Broadcast Technologies Course Descriptions


Robert Hastings, Ph.D.
(908) 284-7178

Department Faculty