Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment is a program that offers qualified high school students the opportunity to take college-level courses and earn college credits while still in high school. Through Dual Enrollment, students will receive additional academic stimulation and an early start on their college career, while saving money on the cost of a college education. Students obtain actual college credit, which is based upon progress throughout the course and course grade as opposed to a single score on a standardized examination.
Hunterdon Central is proud to offer a vast selection of dual enrollment opportunities through postsecondary institutions such as Fairleigh Dickinson University, Raritan Valley Community College, Rider University, Seton Hall University, and Stockton University. The link to the right offers information about dual enrollment courses and student eligibility.
Click on the link to view a video on Specialized Curricular Programs at Hunterdon Central, including information on Dual Enrollment.
Dual Enrollment Courses
Click here for a current listing of the dual enrollment courses offered.
Dual Enrollment Transcript Requests
Click here for instructions to order dual enrollment transcripts.