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Wellness Road Map & Action Plan

Wellness Road Map: Discussion and Guidance:

We will measure the impact of our work in Wellness through:

  • specific items in the New Jersey School Climate Survey
  • student utilization of and referral to our wellness resources, including both those resources for assistance (e.g., counseling) and for community education (e.g., videos developed in partnership with community experts)
  • the frequency of incidents indicating a need for or lack of wellness resources (e.g., violence, vandalism, substance abuse, harassment, etc.)
  • audits and other examinations provided by experts in wellness, security, and safety

The road map in this priority focuses on action in the following themes:

  • adjusting classroom and organizational culture and expectations
  • increasing partnership with experts and organizations
  • engaging students in student-led wellness programs

Wellness includes a variety of topics—physical health, emotional and mental health, facilities security, and much more. Hunterdon Central has a lot of expertise and has done exceptional work in all of these areas. However, we have challenges in bringing all of this work together, and in broadening involvement and consultation in wellness projects to achieve the best outcomes.

We see the adjustment of culture and expectations as foundational to our work in Wellness, and across all of our other priority areas. Our climate survey indicated a need to refocus our culture on relationships, both to model collaborative problem-solving and to provide more avenues for student belonging.

We have already begun to increase the District’s participation in regional committees and task forces focused on safety, security, and both physical and mental health. This participation ensures that we have access to the latest information and resources (such as digital mapping, safety response protocols, information on adolescent health issues, and threat assessment tools). Through memberships in task forces and working groups, we also present the voice of schools to law enforcement, health care, and other partners.

We will also seek consultation with experts in these fields to help us identify and respond to health and wellness issues. Substance abuse, anxiety, depression, crisis communications, traffic and pedestrian safety, facilities security, and relocation/reunification are just some of the topics that these consultancies will consider.

We need to build stronger connections between experts and our staff, particularly our Physical Education and Health teachers. They work each day through forward-thinking curricula to address student health and wellness issues. They need much more support, however, to address emergent issues. Student vaping serves as an example of an issue that evolved rapidly during the 2018-2019 school year. Better connections between our teachers and our Student Assistance Counselors, Vice Principals, and outside experts can ensure that teachers have all that they need to bring their talents and powerful skills to bear on issues, and still maintain a curriculum designed to instill a broad toolset of life habits for health and wellness.

Hunterdon Central is proud to offer many wellness programs and resources through our increasing security and specialized counseling staff, school-based counselors from Hunterdon Behavioral Health, and a strong partnership with the Raritan Township Police Department and others. Our Physical Education and Health Department has innovative facilities and strategies, and exceptional talent among its staff to reach students every day. Students, however, need a greater voice in wellness programming. Strategies in this priority therefore culminate in wellness summits that will tackle issues identified by students, through programming designed and implemented by students. Students will have our partnerships with experts, our participation in regional efforts, and the talents of our dedicated teachers and staff at their fingertips in the implementation of these summits.

Click to view a PDF version of: Wellness Roadmap

Wellness Action Plan:

Please click on the link to view: Wellness Action Plan